I've been missing for quite some time now. Well, missing from this blog at least. OK, so that doesn't really mean I've been missing. That means I've been lazy. Too lazy and tired to try and put my thoughts together. I've thought about it about 20 times and then decided against it convincing myself that going to bed was a better use of my brain power. The reason? Quite simply, I started my new job. I like it...really I do. It's just been an adjustment in many ways. One of them being my energy level. The second being missing my family. Right now I get to see Brayden about 1 1/2 to 2 hours MAX a day. This honestly breaks my heart, but right now it's my duty to be where I am; To be providing a way for Jon to finish school, pay our bills, and save money for our adoption.
It's been a tough year, although, I feel like that is putting it lightly. Some of it has been great, some not so great. What better time than now to re-cap, right? I know you want me to....
* This year was the year we decided to officially step back into the adoption world after our failed attempt 3 years ago. This past January we had no idea which direction we wanted to go in. International? Domestic? Infant? Older child? Now, less than a year later our paperwork is complete and we are a "Waiting Family". It's so amazing!!
* I decided to go back to work full-time to help with saving money for the adoption.
* We met an amazing group of people from our church through joining the Forever Families group, all of which have HUGE hearts for orphan care and adoption. What a tremendous support system they have been for us. We are BLESSED.
* Jon got layed off from work. EEK...welcome stay-at-home daddy...so-long saving money for the adoption.
* Jon decided to go back to school..........again :)..........for the last time. And so starts a long 2 years.
* We learned to simplify our lives: reduce cable TV, get cheap cell phones, stick with old cars, stop buying unneeded clothes, stop eating out, etc...
* Brayden started early intervention services. It's been a year of advocating for my son after being told "let's just wait" over and over by the doctor. No thank you. We didn't wait. Turns out we had good reason and we were right.
* Both of our cars decided to become "sick" in the course of two days
* We paid the dentist enough to cover his building rent for a month or two...at least.
* Brayden learned all of his colors and shapes :-D. Proud mama.
* I had to say goodbye to my amazing aunt as she moved to Germany to minster there.
* I also said a mournful goodbye to being able to have anymore children. I cherish my beautiful son as he is a miracle in more ways than one, and I rejoice as we open our hearts to future adopted baby.
* Jon decided to learn Karate! Exciting, huh? :-D
* We changed to mostly "real" and organic foods. Who is rolling their eyes and saying "Oh geez" to this one? I know at least one of you are! Thank's OK. You're allowed.
* I changed jobs...
I supposed I could go on and on, but I think I might lose some of my readers to boredom. I have a feeling that 2012 is not going to be any slower or less chaotic. I'm learning to tackle it all one day at a time. Breathe, pray, breathe...and do it all over again.