Reasons why I am blessed:
1. I have an amazing husband who has stuck by me through the hardest of times. He is the best father a child could ask for and he treats me better than I deserve.
2. My son...enough said. He fills me with more joy than I thought I could know.
3. My home. Sure, it's nothing special, but it's clean, warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and's home.
4. I have a job that pays the bills (most of the time haha!)
5. My family in large. From my parents to my sister to my in-laws, I could not have better. They are some of my best friends and I can't imagine life without them.
6. My country. I'm free.
7. My friends. I have met some incredible people over the years. Some in passing, some long-time friends. They have all taught me something and helped mold who I am.
Other things that bring me joy:
the smell of fresh air
the beauty of the mountains
taking pictures
listening to my son laugh
reading books
listening to the ocean
eating ice cream and cake :)
the colors of fall
fresh vegetables!
I have to remind myself to look at life through the eyes of a child sometimes. They are so carefree and just enjoy what is put in front of them. I see it everyday in Brayden.