Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mom on a Mission

Sometimes going through adoption takes over you life.  It did for Jon and me for a little while...every night sitting and filling out paperwork, sending for background checks and writing papers that tell perfect strangers every detail of your personal life since you were 5.  Luckily we are getting towards the end!  We still have a few things left to do before sending in our packet to our home study social worker, but we're getting there!

The past few days have been more focused on Brayden, though.  I'm currently a mommy on a mission....big time.  The doctors ignored me 5 months ago (every every visit before that) when I was worried about his delayed development (especially since he was so premature), so I had to take it upon myself to get therapy in to see him...without the support of the doctor.  When early intervention came in to evaluate him, it proved I was right.  They very much agreed with me.  Now, 5 months later, he has PT, OT and ST and I'm once again fighting with the doctor.  

Brayden's occupational and speech therapists have been fantastic.  So good with him and very, very  supportive.  Unfortunately, his speech has not improved and his sensory processing issues have been bad the past week and a half so I decided it's time for me to call and make an appointment with a developmental pediatrician...except...I find out I need a referral.  Great.  So, once again Jon finds himself at the doctor with Brayden today, and what does she say?  She thinks it's all behavioral, aka...she thinks there is nothing wrong with him.  Of course.  She seems to be the only person who thinks that.  The only good thing we got out of that appointment was that she did give us the referral to the devel. ped. (likely just to appease us)...which has a 4-6 month waiting list.  So here we are again...waiting.  

In the meantime, I'm a mom on a mission to find out what is going on with her child.  And  I will fight....because he is worth it.  He deserves for someone to pay attention to what is going on.  He is just the best little boy and we couldn't ask for more.  

He fills our hearts with such joy...we owe it to him.  

1 comment:

  1. You are doing the right thing! Brayden is such a blessing to us all, and deserves the help that he needs.
