So now I'm behind...very behind. So much to do! The most time consuming is going to be finishing our family profile and writing our autobiographies. I also need to get our child abuse clearances sent out and our medical evals are this coming week. I'm still aiming to have all the paperwork done by the end of June!
Brayden was a real trooper this week. He was up earlier than usual, to sleep later than usual, and in the car a LOT. Poor little guy is exhausted, but, we think he had a good time! One of the things he has a difficult time with (due to his sensory processing disorder) is, bringing him to a new place with a new room, new people, and completely different schedule...well, not the easiest thing for him! It only took two days to get him in the ocean though, so that wasn't bad! By mid-week he became scared of showers and baths though. Not quite sure where that came from. He also freaks out now when we bring him into a bedroom...any bedroom...and changing his diaper had become a circus act. Hopefully the transition back home will be quick and easy.
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