As some of you know, I'm really starting to get into photography. What a great way it is to capture your life! As we entered the world of parenthood I decided to commit myself to documenting their lives on camera. I love the pops of color in a garden, reflections of light in the eyes of a child, and they way a picture can tell a story without needing words. Up until recently I was a "point and shooter" and crossed my fingers that something came out half decent. I've just started to experiment around with my "manual mode" (ooooo scary!) over the past few months and found it both frustrating and rewarding. Sometimes I'll download my pics up onto my computer to edit them and go, "wow, how did I manage to get that awesome shot?", and then other days I'll sit in annoyance and want to throw my camera out the window. Unfortunately, my only subject right now is a 20-month old little speedster who takes off down the backyard in 1/2 a second after he's placed his feet on the back porch. Half of my shots are of his diapered rear-end! If I attempt his pictures indoors he looks at me and runs towards the camera to place his face directly against the lens! Hmm, predicament.
So, I've resorted to practicing my skills with non-moving objects :). I'm hoping to post some pics up soon of our trip to Longwood Gardens this past weekend. For those of you who hate pictures of still-life, sorry for the snoozer! Hopefully I'll get some opportunity soon to practice on MOVING objects too. As you follow along on our adoption journey I'm also looking forward to sharing my growth as a photographer (I use that term VERY loosely!).
For any of you out there that actually are photographers, I'm taking tips and suggestions, critiques and expertise! Feel free to share your knowledge and experience...not only would I love to hear it, but I'd be super appreciative!
Hi there! I just saw your blog link on my good friends FB wall (Jeni) and I thought I would invite you to my business FB page (I am a photographer) Do you have a facebook or flickr, or where can I see your pics? I love nature photography. ;) Also, I'm willing to help at any time if you have any questions. I love to help others any way I can. Keep practicing! :)
Sarah, Hi! Thanks for reading my stories! I do have FB but it's just my personal page. You are very welcome to friend me though. I only have a few albums up on there that are my newer pics. Most of them are just basic pictures. The 4 most recent album are the ones where I'm starting to use my camera seriously. My FB name is Amanda Skowronski Bennett. Let me know if you can't find me!